Qigong Practice
Dragon’s Way Qigong®—Catch The Opportunity!Learn how Qigong, energy flow, and an understanding of your body's messages can result in greater health. New class starts Monday, 1/27!
Under the Light of the Full Wolf MoonAlongside Mars, the Full Wolf Moon reaches its peak on January 13. This moon bridges the end of the past year and the beginning of the new year.
The Last Full Moon of 2024What better way to end 2024 and ring in 2025 than with a bright ball of Universal Qi. Join us in embracing Nature's gift.
Super Beaver Moon and Women’s HealthThe full moon is invisible for all but one day every month. It balances an entire month of energy in just one beautiful showing. Women hold this invisible power.
The Link Between Heart Disease and FaithHeart disease is consciousness at the spiritual level where something is disconnected. Follow these tips to cultivate inner peace.
Quantum View of Breast CancerChinese medicine tries to create balance between your mind, body, and Nature. Once this balance is achieved, the body knows how to heal itself. Join us TONIGHT at 7:30PM EST.
Unblocking Energy Stagnation for Breast HealthBreast cancer, like all forms of dis-ease is an energy imbalance. Use Qigong to help your energy flow freely. Healing comes from the inside out.
Q&A With Master Lu: What’s the Scoop on Qigong Systems?We sat down with Master LU to understand the power and promise of Wu Ming Qigong.
Qigong and Breast HealthExplore the TCM angle of prevention and healing with Wu Ming Qigong. First session begins Wednesday, 9/11 at 9:30AM EST.
Invitation: Nourish Stomach QiReady to help your center become stronger and more grounded? Join this self-paced week of Qi practice. Info Call: Tuesday, 8/6 at 12pm EST.
June’s Strawberry MoonThe Strawberry Moon reaches its peak on the evening of June 21, just one day after the Summer Solstice. Join our virtual practice and celebrate with a strawberry recipe!
Welcoming the 2024 Summer SolsticeThe summer solstice is a powerful time to practice Qigong and align yourself with Nature's energies.