Cultivating Beauty—and Love—From WithinYour physical self is a mirror of your inner self. Internalize self-love; then your outward appearance will change for all the world to see.
Full Snow Moon: Connections and the Power of the InvisibleThe full Snow Moon is the first full moon in the Year of the Dragon. Learn why this full micromoon holds so much promise.
How Do We Forgive and Let Go?We've had the opportunity to forgive and forget, but do we ever truly let go? Free yourself so you can move forward.
Arthritis and the Consciousness of FlexibilityWhat can we learn about arthritis in the Year of the Snake? How can we apply that wisdom to our lives?
Words of Wisdom: Becoming FlexiblePracticing flexibility involves the willingness to hear others, see situations from multiple perspectives, and let go.
Cut Your ExpensesHealing is like a profit-and-loss business. Count how many expenses you have. The cost of holding onto what you don't need is too high.
Seasonal Connections in the Year of the SnakeIn Nature, one season eases into the next, supported by the information and messages of the season before. We can look at Lunar New Year in much the same way.
Happy Lunar New Year: The Year of the Wood Snake!Welcome to the Year of the Wood Snake! This year is an opportunity to experiment with your own flexibility. Can you see new perspectives?
Dumplings: A Legacy of ProsperityDumplings and spring rolls are a celebrated part of Lunar New Year. Try some of these fillings to welcome luck and fortune into the Year of the Wood Snake.