Dragon’s Way

  • Two Ways to Look at Cold: Temperature and Essence
    Grand Master Lu shares his wisdom on the difference between temperature and essence. Learn how to apply this wisdom to your life.
  • Delicious Summer Eats
    Eating seasonal, locally grown foods helps your body acclimate with Nature's messages. Follow these eating-for-healing tips for summer magic!
  • Nature Knows: Invisible Work
    Just because we are able to do something, doesn't mean we must! Nature knows the power of the invisible. Do you?
  • The Perfect Avocado
    Ever wonder how to choose the perfect avocado? Learn how to choose, cut, and prepare this delicious Liver-booster. Then try our avocado salad recipes!
  • Ten 10-Minute Dragon’s Way Qigong Recipes
    Tired of the same old foods? Have 10 minutes? Try these 10 easy-to-whip-up healthy meals from our Dragon's Way Qigong program.
  • Finding Balance with Dragon’s Way Qigong
    Dragon's Way Qigong® helps participants regain balance, restore health and enjoy renewed vitality. Learn how Gary uses these teachings to find balance.
  • Beth’s Story: Finding Self-Confidence
    After completing her Dragon's Way Qigong® instructor training, Beth moved past her own insecurities to bring this life-changing program to others.
  • Eating For Healing: Kabocha Squash Soup
    Also known as Japanese Pumpkin, Kabocha squash has a very sweet flavor and can be prepared in many ways. Whether roasted, sauteed, pureed into a soup or baked into a pie, Kabocha is beneficial for the digestive system, which in turn supports Heart health. Does cooking squash seem intimidating? Fear not! In the video below, […]
  • Winter and the Water Element
    In Winter, your Kidney and Bladder maintain the body’s water systems and are the root of your vitality.
  • Chelsea’s Story: Finally Free
    After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, Chelsea discovered a lasting solution to health freedom--Dragon's Way Qigong!
  • Overweight or Out of Balance?
    As long as your body is balanced, disease cannot enter. As long as your body is balanced, weight will drop off naturally.
  • Candace’s Story: From Dis-ease to Recovery with Dragon’s Way
    After suffering a concussion and its neurological side-effects, Candace discovered Dragon's Way Qigong and stepped on the path to recovery.