
  • Words of Wisdom: to the Mind that is Still
    When we slow down and live in the moment, we see the message behind Taoist wisdom. "To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu
  • Mending Our Cracks With Gold
    Struggles bring opportunities to find strength, resilience and beauty. Instead of letting broken spaces define us, we fill our cracks with gold.
  • The Awe-Inspiring Power of the Moon
    Can you fully comprehend the power of the cosmic body that we call "the moon"?
  • Finding Energetic Balance
    In order to grow, we must let go of the things—and symptoms—that no longer serve us. Are you aware of the messages your body is sending?
  • Late Summer Cooking: Vegetable Paella
    Late Summer's bounty provides us with fresh produce that is ripe for the picking. Turn those foods into this mouthwatering, one-pot paella.
  • Experiencing the Unlimited
    When a health challenge arises, we often fail to see beyond the tangible. But why stop at the visible when there is so much more to experience?
  • Worry and Digestion
    Emotions have a stronger effect than food on our bodies. At one level, you are what you eat. But on a higher level, you are what you think! 
  • Words of Wisdom: Nature’s Mind, Human Mind and Emotions
    Qi is the magical, infinite part of the body that is part of Nature and the unconditional love of the Universe. Without Qi there is no being.
  • Sweet Potato: How Sweet It Is!
    Sweet potatoes are one of nature's greatest gifts to the culinary world. In addition to being delicious, they are full of healthy benefits, from both an Eastern and a Western perspective.