Women’s Health

  • Breast Cancer Awareness: Prevention is the Cure!
    Prevention is the true cure. But what does this mean from a TCM perspective? Learn more and join our complimentary workshop!
  • Beyond Infertility: The Healing Gifts of Chinese Medicine
    Healthy pregnancies begin from a state of balance. Dr. Melissa Laborsky weighs in on the Western-Eastern connection, as it relates to fertility.
  • Melanie’s Story: Normal Versus Natural
    Through acupuncture, dedicated Qigong practice, and herbs, Melanie was able to find a more natural "normal."
  • Empowering Women To Overcome Breast Issues
    An empowering, must-read article about how mind-body-spirit practices like Qigong prevent and naturally address breast cancer. Please share this post to help our mission -- prevention is the cure!
  • Arlene’s Story: The Power to Self-Heal
    After being diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time, Arlene used TCM along with Western medicine to create her own pathway to self-healing.
  • Petra’s Story: Back Into the Light with TCM
    Petra found TCM while seeking a natural transition into menopause. Acupuncture, herbs, and Qigong provided her with balance in the midst of emotional and physical crises.
  • A Woman’s Health in Balance
    Understanding the function of the meridians and the importance of whole body balance can help you avoid future health problems.
  • Hormones Out of Whack? How Qigong Can Help
    Stress, fear, and overwork drain the energy reserves of the Liver and the Kidney—two organs responsible for healthy reproductive and hormonal function. Learn how you can use Qigong to help bring balance back to your body.
  • Is Menopause Making You “Crazy”?
    Night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness: all these symptoms uncomfortably herald the beginning of menopause. And it doesn’t end there! A recent ground-breaking study published in JAMA Internal Medicine showed that women often experience menopausal symptoms long after the fact, even up to twelve years later. Believe it or not, these symptoms are not […]
  • Why Chocolate Does Your Heart Good
    Chocolate lovers, it’s time to stop feeling guilty about Godiva truffles: a new study involving nearly 158,000 men and women suggests that eating dark and milk chocolate on a regular basis can significantly lower risk of heart attack and stroke. People who ate the highest levels of chocolate had a 25% lowered risk of any […]
  • 4 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Cramps
    Got cramps? A few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can naturally ease those awful pains surrounding your menstrual period. Cramps are the result of a cold essence being trapped in the body, particularly in the uterine area.
  • Holistic Ways to Address Menopausal Symptoms
    A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reports that women may experience menopause symptoms such as hot flashes for more than a decade, sometimes up to 12-14 years. The findings, reported by CBS News last week, also included some startling statistics: 4 out of 5 women experienced hot flashes and other symptoms before their periods […]