Qigong Practice

  • Mindful Meditation: A Taste of Energy Practice
    Mindfulness—a state of careful self-observation without judgement—is a buzz word these days. Many people practice mindful meditation, where they are guided to focus on music or images in order to turn inward and delve deeper. Clearly, this practice uses the mind. But true meditation and Qigong cannot be associated with the mind. When the mind […]
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: Qi and Universal Energies
    Question: What is Qi and how does Qigong help you connect to Universal energies? Answer: Qi is Universal life. So when you practice Qigong, you are practicing Universal life. You are allowing yourself to open up more so Universal life can go through you. Imagine that your body is a TV screen. Now you have […]
  • Jane and Muriel’s Story: Using Qigong to Heal Carpal Tunnel
    Seven years ago, my mom (who was then 84 years old) started developing some tingling, pain and numbness in her right wrist and hand. She went to her doctor, who said it was probably the beginnings of carpal tunnel. He gave her a wrist brace to wear at night to see if that would help. […]
  • Mind-Body Practices Reverse Harmful Genetic Changes from Stress
    How do mind-body-spirit connections impact immune health? Part 1 of this two-part summary looks at the most recent scientific evidence on connecting to mind and body to undo the harmful effects of stress at the molecular level. Join us for Part 2 to explore ways Qigong maintains and harmonizes body-mind-spirit pathways for healing. Use this information […]
  • Qigong: Body-Mind-Spirit Balance
    Qigong can help anyone, regardless of age, ability, or diagnosis. While this may seem like a bold statement, Qigong has proven its effectiveness over and over again for thousands of years. In comparison to a fitness regimen, where the focus is on the body’s muscles and bones, this ancient system reaches all levels–body, mind, and […]
  • Connie’s Story: Clean Report Through Qigong
    After a CT scan revealed a lung nodule, Qigong practice set Connie on her on a path toward inner healing.
  • Distance Learning Series: The Power of Qigong
    Join us TONIGHT—Grand Master Lu explains how and why quality Qigong practice can change your life.
  • Everything is Qi—Everything is Energy
    Everything is energy. You are a child of the Universe with access to all of its power and wisdom. You are entitled to a high level of being and healing.
  • You Are a Connected Whole
    The body has a miraculous way of showing us what is off-balance so that we can get ourselves back on track. Learn to listen!
  • Gary’s Story: Healing Is In My Hands
    When Gary was told that he was on the verge of losing his eyesight, he took a leap of faith. And he gained so much more than his vision.
  • Midnight Snack
    Midnight snacks are often an indulgence to treat ourselves after a stressful day. Here are some tips to build a new nightly routine.
  • Practice, Patience, Readiness: Let It Go
    Life is an exercise in patience. Learning to let go of the ties that bind us helps us to live freely and flow through our daily lives.