
  • Life Will Go On: Find Your Inner Peace
    Let inner peace be your retreat, and let it lift you higher. Make inner peace your constant. Feel it, breathe it, live it—and then share it.
  • Nature Knows: One Good Deed Leads to Another
    Nature has an intelligence of its own. Trees know to drop their leaves to conserve energy and lessen weight every fall. Seasons automatically shift, without being “told” to do so. Animals place nuts and seeds in safe keeping to sustain themselves throughout the cold, dormant winter. And as smart as its creations are, Nature shows […]
  • Be Playful! Let It Go!
    Children are our greatest teachers! You are a child of the Universe! Be playful and experience what it means to let it go.
  • There is Only One You
    We often approach life situations with our thinking, rational minds. But information will never truly inspire your life until you make it yours.
  • Interrelationships and Chinese Medicine
    Health is influenced by inseparable connections. The highest level of healing is about restoring balance, not fighting with disease.
  • Quality, Quantity and the Mind’s Role in Qigong
    Miracles never come from the mind; only from Qi. But in the beginning, the mind will be a bridge to help you experience Qigong. Always remember, quality/quantity.
  • Virtual Qigong and Consciousness: The Connection
    2020 has presented our world with a multitude of challenges. We interviewed Grand Master Nan Lu on the benefits of virtual Qigong. Tune in tomorrow for Part 2.
  • Radiant, Wrinkle-Free Skin from the Inside Out
    Want to know the secret to radiant, wrinkle-free skin? Healthy Lung function helps your radiance shine from the inside out.
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: Letting Go of Grudges
    You asked and he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about letting go of grudges and emotions that drag us down.