
  • Ask Grand Master Nan Lu: Why Practice Qigong?
    You asked, he answered. Find out why Grand Master Nan Lu believes Qigong to be such a beneficial energy practice.
  • Stress and Overall Health
    Emotional stress is 100% more damaging than physical stress. Join our upcoming Liver cleanse to begin your journey to better balance.
  • Faith: The Foundation of Qigong
    Faith is an inward journey that you must walk alone. It is a journey that leads to the greatest reward: the belief that anything in life is possible.
  • Finding Balance with Dragon’s Way Qigong
    Dragon's Way Qigong® helps participants regain balance, restore health and enjoy renewed vitality. Learn how Gary uses these teachings to find balance.
  • Gary’s Story: Giving Me Back Myself
    After being diagnosed with an eye condition that could have led to blindness, Gary took a leap of faith. Instead of emergency surgery, he opted to follow an alternative path. Listen below to learn how Qigong gave Gary so much more than his eyesight. Come back tomorrow to find out how Qigong practice continues to […]
  • Let Your Intuition Lead You
    Tapping into your intuition is like skydiving: that feeling of complete freedom, where every move you make leads you further on your journey.
  • Qigong Journey for Emotional Freedom
    Join our 8-day virtual program. Experience how ancient wisdom can lead to emotional freedom.
  • Emotion Commotion
    We all have emotions. That's part of being human. But excess emotions can create commotion in the body. Learn to let it go!
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: What Causes Seasonal Allergies?
    Ever wonder why some people suffer from seasonal allergies while others do not? Learn the TCM perspective behind seasonal allergies.