
  • Change Your Thinking. Shift Your Life.
    Every situation gives you the chance to set boundaries and adjust your emotional output, a.k.a. how much Qi you're willing to spend in this emotion.
  • The Path We Came Through
    Life's experiences are not always easy. We get a glimpse of the brevity of life and the gifts we receive every day.
  • Growth, Harmony and Fearlessness: Spring Consciousness
    Nature is our greatest teacher. The Spring season alone holds so many lessons, if we are willing to see beyond the visible.
  • TCM Tips for the Total Solar Eclipse
    A total solar eclipse will move over the United States on Monday, April 8. Be sure to connect to this awe-inspiring Qi field.
  • What Do You See?
    When you wake up on a gloomy day, what do you see—the pending storm or the possibility for a rainbow? Your perspective attracts like energy.
  • Preventing Viruses
    A virus will only enter your body if it can survive. How can you change your internal environment so a virus isn't attracted to you?
  • Love the One You’re With
    There's only one person you're guaranteed to spend life with—YOU! Celebrate who you are. Enjoy the journey.
  • 5 Tips for Finding Balance
    Try these five health tips to help restore your energy and rebalance your body this summer.
  • Never Waste Anything–Including You
    Instead of focusing on the end result, see everything you do from an energy perspective. How much Qi do you waste?
  • Two Words for ’24
    The next 365 days are yours to discover. Instead of pinning yourself down to a conventional resolution, choose two words to lift and guide you.
  • TCM Tips to Ring in the New Year
    At the start of a new year, we set the stage for a fresh, new beginning. Follow these tips for a healthy transition into 2024.
  • What Do You Carry Into the New Year?
    We all carry emotion—some comforting, others too heavy to bear. Leave 2023 in the rear view mirror. Only carry joy into the new year.