
  • A New Picture
    With each wave, the ocean is continually replenishing itself and its landscape. As in our bodies, every breath we take allows us to replenish and connect.
  • Under the Light of the Full Flower Moon
    The Full Flower Moon will reach peak illumination at 9:53 am EST on May 23rd. You can see it with your eyes, but can you experience it more deeply?
  • Can You Let Go?
    What does it mean to let go? Get inspired with these practices. Learn how to release what holds you back.
  • Liver and Stomach: What’s the Connection?
    What's the requirement for absorbing and digesting more of the material our body chooses to accept? Flow! Everything in the body must flow.
  • Menopause: The Last Great Opportunity
    Menopause is the last great opportunity to become truly healthy for the rest of your life. Take responsibility for your own health and healing.
  • How Deep is Your Love?
    When you give love to others do you also bring some of that love within? Shower yourself with love every day in four simple ways.
  • How Much Qi Do I Have? Protect Your Light!
    What is the connection between inborn and acquired Qi, and how does our lifestyle impact our health, especially in menopause?
  • How Much Qi Do I Have?
    What is the difference between acquired and inborn Qi, and how does it translate to your body?
  • Liver and the Wood Element
    The Liver's energy moves outward and upward, mimicking stalks of free-flowing bamboo. Support Liver Qi in Spring, when its energy is at its peak.