Presence Over Presents
Over the last two years, we’ve adapted to a new “norm”. While life has given us a glimpse of the holidays of years past, the ebbs and flows of Covid have created many emotional peaks and valleys. The holidays, while a chance to connect and reconnect, often bring their own set of emotions. Your presence is what matters, more than ever.
While some families will be celebrating in person and others will be gathering virtually for yet another year, many will likely agree: moments are cherished for far longer than gifts. A meaningful conversation means much more to a grandparent than a pair of slippers. Likewise, children will talk fondly of an experience much longer than they will the hottest toy. Once the initial excitement wears off, what remains? Toys don’t leave lasting memories, people do.
This holiday season, as you are checking your lists, set aside a piece of paper for one more list—everything that makes you unique. What does your presence add to a conversation? Do you have a knack for jokes? Can you cook a delicious meal or create a slideshow with favorite photos? Are you able to shut off your phone for an entire day to truly, deeply enjoy those around you—whether online or in person?
We all have something to give. And often, in searching within, we realize that our innate gifts are blessings to all those around us.
Happy holidays from all of us at TCM World Foundation!
A Look Ahead
Check out our Calendar of Events. Join us in January for a fresh, new start to 2022!