Celestial Gifts: Super Flower Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

This month’s full moon is steadily approaching. Buckle your seatbelts! On Monday, May 16 at 12:15 AM ET, May’s Super Flower Moon will reach its peak. With it comes an incredible opportunity to experience the power of possibilities.


This month’s moon is a supermoon—the first of 2022! A supermoon is a full moon that reaches its closest orbit to Earth, making it appear bigger and brighter than usual. It also brings larger-than-normal ocean tides. This year, the Super Flower Moon will coincide with a total lunar eclipse. What a perfect representation of yin/yang: a bright shining moon contrasted with complete darkness.

Total Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse occurs when Earth is perfectly aligned between the sun and the moon, and covers the moon with its shadow. The lunar eclipse will begin at 11:28 PM ET on Sunday, May 15. It will come to a close at 12:54 AM ET on Monday, May 16. Those in the Eastern portion of North America will be able to see the complete eclipse. Those in the west will see the majority of the eclipse.

Peak totality occurs at 12:11 AM ET on May 16, just four minutes before the Full Flower Moon reaches its peak. Can you catch the message?

Native Connections

May’s Full Flower Moon was named by Native Americans, Colonial Americans, and Europeans, for the flowers that burst forth in abundance this month. Alternate “floral” names like Budding Moon and Leaf Budding Moon celebrate the awakening of local flora, while Planting Moon marks the time when seeds are planted for the approaching farming season.

May’s full moon has also been dubbed Budding Moon, Hare Moon, and Frog Moon. In China, this full moon is named the Dragon Moon. The Dragon is the cultural and spiritual symbol of China, representing good luck, harmony, and the great mystery.

As the full moon draws near every month, we are humbly reminded of cultural connections with and reliance on Nature. Although lifestyles may have shifted, the full moon’s presence is just as powerful a reminder of our earthly connection with our celestial entities.

Experience the Power of Qi

Tap into the invisible messages of May’s Full Supermoon and Total Lunar Eclipse while standing in a virtual practice with us on Sunday, May 15th at 8:30 PM. EDT. Find a quiet space to hold The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth. Maintain this position for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or even longer! The longer you are able to stand, the more benefit you will receive. Read More