But First, Be Good to Yourself
Many of us are caretakers. Whether we care for young children, the elderly, a spouse, a patient or are simply a sounding board for those around us, being there for others often means being absent for yourself.
The security warning on airplanes reminds us, “in case of an emergency, first place your oxygen before putting the mask on others around you”. While this may seem selfish, the underlying message is this: you can’t help others if you are struggling yourself.
So, why doesn’t this translate into everyday life? When someone is ill or needs emotional support, caretakers often give—more than they are able—to support their loved one. But after the patient is back on their feet and feeling good, what happens? The caretaker crashes! After exerting so much love, time, attention and Qi—yes Qi—to their friend or loved one, the caretaker finds that their own well is depleted.
So, starting at this very moment, make it your mission to strengthen yourself. Eat healing foods, keep your body warm, practice Qigong and feed yourself loving messages. And if you find yourself in a similar situation where you are asked—or called—to help someone in need, be sure to take some time to replenish your own resources.
Here are a few daily practices you can do, starting today:
1. The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth: This standing meditation is included in all of our healing programs. Quiet your mind and feel your powerful presence as a dragon standing between heaven above and earth below. Ground yourself in this energy and allow your thumbs to act as an antennae to connect to the frequency of Universal Qi. Join Grand Master Lu in practice.
2. Four Energy Gates: The Four Energy Gates are the body’s master energy gates. They allow maximum Qi to flow through the meridians in your upper and lower body. Practicing this energy massage daily will strengthen your energy foundation and allow the whole body to function in harmony. Practice each energy gate for 3-4 minutes.
And remember, the only way to truly be 100% there for others, is to first be good to yourself.