Jeff’s Story: Healing the Dragon’s Way®
I was first introduced to the Dragon’s Way® at my first Building Bridges conference. I attended the conference to obtain continuing education credits that I needed for my acupuncture license renewal. However, this conference was very different from any continuing education seminar I had ever attended in the past. I was impressed with the message from the Qi master, Grand Master Nan Lu, and the power I felt behind his message, as well as the joyful, uplifting feeling from the group. When I returned home, I practiced the 10 Qigong movements alongside the Dragon’s Way DVD. I immediately began to notice positive changes—a new kind of inner strength, improved balance, more energy, better sleep. Encouraged by these increased healthy feelings, I continued to practice daily.
I have continued to study with Grand Master Nan Lu through the many programs he offers, as well as continuing to practice the Dragon’s Way. These ten movements are so thoroughly complete; they open up healing energy throughout the entire body. As a result of continued practice, I have experienced continued healing in body (shoulder pain resolved, hip pain resolved, neck pain resolved), mind (increased clarity of thought, greater focus to accomplish more in my day-to-day life) and spirit (increased calmness, more adaptable to stressful situations, better sleep).
I encourage everyone to commit to the life-long healing journey of the Dragon’s Way. From my experience thus far, the healing journey never stops changing you. If you stick with it, you will continue to experience greater and greater benefit.
-Jeff Worth, Dragon’s Way Instructor