Growth, Harmony and Fearlessness: Spring Consciousness

In order to prevent something, we have to connect to the future. It’s up to us how we connect.

–Grand Master Nan Lu

The Spring season is Nature’s time—Nature’s consciousness. In the Five Element Consciousness Framework, every element in Nature is energetically connected to both a season and an organ system in the body, among many other interrelationships. The Spring season connects to the Wood element and the Liver. In today’s modern world, 90% of illness and disease are associated with Liver function disorder. So why do so many people display Liver—or Wood element consciousness—dysfunction? They’ve lost their connection to Nature.

Nature is our greatest teacher. The Spring season alone holds so many lessons if we are willing to see beyond the visible.

How can the wisdom and consciousness of Spring guide our lives?

1. Growth:

Growth contains energy. Without energy, nothing can grow. Spring has the consciousness of growth. Behind the visible flowers and green leaves that are bursting forth in Spring, invisible energy pushes this life to the surface. Growth also contains love and compassion. Without these elements, nothing can grow.

2. Harmony:

Life is promised by Nature. Every tree and every flower receive a promise from Nature that the future is certain. Without cooperation and harmony, nothing can grow.

3. Fearlessness:

Every living thing is fearless, because life will be promised. The species will continue. No matter how many times dandelions are killed, they always find a way to come back. That’s the Wood element consciousness—the consciousness behind Spring.

Enhance your Liver. Discover your Liver.

The Liver is associated with Spring, which holds the powers of growth, love, compassion, harmony, cooperation and fearlessness. If all of that is already within us, why do we suffer, fear and panic? Nature doesn’t panic.

Springtime is the best time to allow our Liver to connect with all of the wisdom of Spring.

Click the audio link below to hear Grand Master Lu’s perspective on the podcast: Using the Consciousness of Spring for Personal Enhancement.

Learn More!

Find out how you can build your health this Spring. Ask Grand Master Lu: Building Health in Spring