Amber’s Journey to Freedom with Qigong

Can you relate? I spent years going to medical doctors, functional medicine doctors, integrative doctors and auto-immune specialists. Test after test, medicine after medicine, treatment after treatment. I expended a vast amount of money and time on special diets, vitamins, probiotics, gut health, colonics and lymphatic treatment. I was searching for answers, not knowing where to turn.

I’ll never forget walking into my integrative medicine doctor’s office to discuss mu auto-immune test results. There were seven pages of things that set off my immune system on all levels: IgA, IgG, IgE, etc. I remember him saying, “Well, by this test result, it appears all you can eat and drink is water.” All that crossed my mind was, “No, I can’t. I can’t even do that.” What he did not know is I could not even digest water without feeling bloated or experiencing acid reflux. And I had tried every type of water out there, from pH balanced to reverse osmosis—even water that had been prayed over.

My doctor was genuinely trying. Out of all the doctors I had ever had, he was giving it his all. There was no doubt that he cared for me and my situation. The day I had to quit my job of helping others because I could not function, was the day he and I both felt defeated. Migraines put me in bed for days, brain fog prevented me from holding a conversation and painful joint swelling left me sobbing in agony. I had water retention and bloating, and worst of all, absolute exhaustion. How could I continue to give? How could I find relief? I felt I had exhausted all options.

I went home, laid my head on my kitchen table and picked up the phone to my, now, acupuncturist. That was the day my life changed forever.

I had prior experience with acupuncture, Chinese herbs and Qigong. I had even worked for an acupuncturist in the past, doing Chinese medical massage and teaching beginner Qigong. Clearly I had not embraced it wholly. At the time, I believed that western medicine should be used to treat chronic medical problems and eastern medicine was used as a support. I realized, at my lowest point, that I had this concept backwards. This is when I completely embraced acupuncture, herbs and Qigong as my primary form of medical treatment and prevention.

I continue to evolve and grow within this concept. Prevention is truly the key, but the power behind this system is enough to reverse any dis-ease at the body, mind, spirit and emotional level. Through my healing, I have fully embraced and immersed myself in Grand Master Nan Lu’s Wu Ming Qigong system of healing.

I can openly and proudly speak on the elimination of all my auto-immune symptoms that once paralyzed me and left me with no hope. I’ve let go of 50 pounds so far, and have learned to eat for healing. This new lifestyle gives me enough energy to work again, keep up with my grandson and enjoy life. I possess the tools to recognize when my body is becoming out of balance and take action to remain healthy and free, living more in tune with the flow of Nature.

I encourage you to experience this feeling of health for yourself. Anything is possible!

– Amber Suter

Inspired? Read On

Amber learned one of the greatest messages of Chinese medicine: You are your own true healer. Click here to learn how Qigong Harmonizes Pathways for Healing.

Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events, like the Winter Soup Cleanse, which starts January 17.