Nature Can Show Us the Way

The Universe has unlimited resources. As children of the Universe, our inheritance is unlimited. Everything that we see, feel and experience is here for us to use–to grow and become our healthiest, happiest selves. We want the fullest experience of life.

So what is the easiest way to receive all that life has to offer, all that is our birthright? Sometimes what we are looking for is right under our eyes, and yet we can’t grasp it. When we try to move forward, we get stuck. Life’s to-dos and responsibilities get in the way, similar to getting caught in a traffic jam. We know where we want to go, but we can’t find easy access to a traffic-free route.

The good news is, the answers are within and around us. Nature can show us the way.

Stepping into Nature’s flow is like getting into a fast car in the express lane! Nature is always open, flowing smoothly and continuously. Seasons begin and end, the moon cycles from invisible to full. We never doubt these natural cycles. Imagine the ocean waves that come one after the other, without fail. One is higher and one is lower, but they always move forward. When we join Nature’s flow, we will always move with greater ease.

When seasons transition, Nature offers us easy, simple ways to connect. Seasons, like the ocean waves, never stop moving. They always arrive on time. Nature knows the exact time to transition from one to the other. It doesn’t hold on to the previous season for fear that its time will not come again. Instead, it lets go. Nature knows that it is time to change, and that these changes will bring about something even more beautiful.

Walk in Nature. Breathe in Nature. Become one with Nature. Allow yourself to be more than a passenger on this Earth, but a participant in the game of life. You are an integral part of this Universe. Let Nature show you the way.