How Deep is Your Love?

In today’s society, love has become an external virtue. We celebrate love on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, and share cards and gifts for birthdays and anniversaries throughout the year. We may even make food or donate clothing to show compassion to others in our community and around the world. But although we demonstrate love to others, we often save little of that love for ourselves.

So, how deep is your love? When you give love to others do you also bring some of that love within? Shower yourself with love every single day in simple ways.

Four tips to deepen your self-love:

1. Find your connection. Look in the mirror. Everything about you—every facial feature, every habit, every expression—is a gift from generations past. Do your eyes come from your dad? Your smile from your grandma? Your dimples from your mom? These features have been passed down through generations, and what a gift it is to carry those who loved and led you into each and every day. So the next time you look with disdain at your knees or the shape of your hips, look at them as a love inheritance. Your perspective might just change!

2. Appreciate what makes you unique. Are you someone who goes against the grain? What sets you apart from everyone else? Do you think or dress differently? Are your hobbies and interests unlike those of others you’ve encountered? Good for you. Find ways to allow your uniqueness to shine through again and again.

3. Learn to trust your body. Appreciate how loyal your body is to you every day. No matter how much you put it through, your body complies and then heals itself as best it can. Be thankful for your legs that support you, your feet that carry you, and your hands that hold those who are near and dear to you. The body never lies. It always sends messages to let you know what is going on deep within. Listen to those messages and rebuild your relationship with your body.

4. Examine your beliefs. You are an energy being. At the cellular level, our energy is connected to the loving energy of the Universe. Our cells are love. They know how to vibrate at the frequency of unconditional love. Can you drop your mind and allow yourself access to this love? Have faith that everything in your life is happening for a reason and that reason is for good.

Keep Exploring!

If you enjoyed this perspective, give this blog post a read: But First, Love Yourself.

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