Spring Equinox: The Season of Renewal
While the lunar calendar marked February 10 as the first day of Spring, the solar calendar recognizes the season’s start as the moment the sun is directly above the equator. For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, Tuesday, March 19, 2024 is the Spring equinox, and the official first day of Spring.
Although the equinox heralds Fall in the Southern Hemisphere, the phenomenon happens at the same exact moment in every location around the world. This year, the equinox occurs on March 19 at 11:06 PM (EST). At this moment, daytime and nighttime are relatively equal, as both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are receiving about the same amount of sunlight. This is just another tie that binds humans to Nature and Universal energy.
During the first few weeks of Spring, the cold earth begins to awaken from many months of rest. Worms emerge from the ground and colorful buds blossom as the sun’s warmth breathes them to life. Birds chirp overhead as they collect twigs and leaves to create nests for their eggs. Spring is a time of rebirth, growth, and new beginnings. It is a time to replace the gray barren landscape with light and color—and life! Spring is rejuvenation in the truest sense of the word.
The fascinating twist is that Spring doesn’t just happen in the cosmos or outdoors in Nature—it happens within each one of us as well. You are connected to this great Universe and are part of its light and its power. As Nature proceeds with its new beginnings, so too can you. Grasp the new energy that surrounds you—breathe growth, life, and color into your own being.
Don’t miss this opportunity. This is your new beginning.