TCM Tips to Ring in the New Year
At the start of the new year, we all want to feel our very best and set the stage for a fresh start. Because when you feel good, you look good. After all, the outside is a reflection of what’s happening inside.
Follow these tips for a smooth transition into 2023:
1. Simplify your plate: Start the new year by cutting back on heavy foods. Reduce your intake of meat and bread, and add warming soups and vegetables. Join 2023 Qi Re-Set, beginning January 15.
2. Simplify your day: Assess your daily routine. Where do you have energy leaks? What can you delegate? Commit to cutting back on one thing every week. Use that extra time to refresh and regrow your spirit.
3. Delve inward: Sit quietly for 5 minutes every day. If you’ve participated in one of our seasonal programs, choose a favorite Qigong posture and practice it daily.
4. See the good around you: As you go through your day, choose to see the good. It may be hard to do at times, but if you look hard enough, you’ll see that a change in perspective can bring out the good in every situation.
5. See the good within yourself: Always look for the good–especially in yourself. If you’ve made mistakes in the past, begin to forgive. You’re human; you’ve made mistakes—we all have. Allow yourself to move on and begin your year of health, vitality and promise.
6. Be open to possibilities: The start of 2023 is a fresh new book with blank pages. As you wake each morning, you get to write your new story. Make it a good one!