Pirjo’s Story: From Stress to Sacred Space
In addition to alleviating my chronic pain, participation in the Dragon’s Way Qigong® program, Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor training, and Grand Master Nan Lu’s other programs have helped me big time to deal with my daily life stressors.
A few years back, these stressors led to burnout and desperation. These programs have given me a deep understanding on the trajectory of my soul. I have found my deeper purpose. They have given me hope and faith that “There are no accidents.” and that all my challenges and the struggles of my loved ones happen for a good reason.
I have learned practical and easy-to-use tools to help me when life throws “hard balls” my way. I feel much more balanced. And from that place of inner harmony, I am able to create a healing sacred space for my family, friends, colleagues and clients—including all my animal friends!
– Pirjo Kemppainen, Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor
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Interested in becoming a certified Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor? Next session starts March 7, 2022.