Ending the Year With a Fresh Perspective
Winter is a time of rest and renewal. Signs of quiet surround Nature this time of year. However, instead of following suit, the human world is abuzz with energy. Animals rest, we run! Shopping, gifts, celebrating, cards, deadlines, responsibilities—the list goes on and on.
But, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
We are such capable beings that we push our bodies to the brink of exhaustion. We keep going on the roller coaster of life until our bodies send us a message that makes us stop in our tracks. Sometimes these messages come in the form of aches and pains, a head cold or the flu. These messages take many visible forms. They are the body’s way of communicating with you. Your body is asking you to stop, breathe, rest and renew—follow Nature’s example.
The next time you want to push, push, push to get everything checked off, repeat this mantra: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Be thankful for all that your body does all day long. Reward it by being peaceful in your daily routine and allowing it to deeply rest every evening. Doing so will allow you to find more joy in the merriment of this season and begin the new year with a fresh perspective.
A Look Ahead
Welcome in 2022 by delving inward and rediscovering your unique gifts.
Check out our Calendar of Events for fresh, new ways to ring in the new year:
Qi and Soup: A Meditative Journey: January 9 – 19
Dragon’s Way Qigong® Instructor Certification: January 12
Dragon’s Way Qigong® 6-Week Program: January 24 – February 28
Tao of Morning Qigong: February 1