What Is Your Real Age?

In China, when individuals are asked how old they are, they may ask if you want to know their “real age.” This may seem like an unusual question. Their real age is one year older, as they include the time spent in the womb. This reflects the fact that the person has existed in this space-time prior to their actual day of birth, and shows how important this time is in Chinese culture.

Naturally, gestation is a critical period for the unborn child. Within the womb, the fetus accumulates all of its inborn Qi from its parents, which is stored in the Kidney for the rest of his or her life. After birth, the growth of all the body’s structures is based on the strength of this inborn Qi. If the child doesn’t inherit the right amount of Qi during the mother’s pregnancy, developmental issues can occur after birth. So the health of the mother and the father directly impact the creation and well-being of a healthy baby.

In ancient times, pregnant mothers’ diets were often poor, so they were not always able to give the best nutritional material to their unborn children. This resulted in many babies born without the genetic support needed to grow a healthy, strong body. Many of these babies had a number of health challenges, especially those related to the early development of the skeletal system, soft spots on the skull, and later, problems with their teeth.

Ancient practitioners recognized these problems as a Kidney deficiency. They strengthened the babies’ digestive systems and used herbs to nurture strong Kidney Qi so the infants could develop normal, healthy skeletal structures. Today, practitioners use a similar system to treat children and adults with any Kidney-deficient related issues, such as osteoporosis, broken bones, Vitamin D deficiency, and sports injuries.

We all know that to build a safe, sturdy house that lasts, we have to start with a strong foundation. This is especially true when it comes to your body. The Kidney supplies the ultimate power and force to keep your whole body alive and thriving.

Follow these tips to support your Kidney throughout the year:

  1. Get adequate rest. To stay awake after midnight, your body must spend two to three times the amount of Qi it spends during the day.
  2. Learn to sit quietly. The Kidney is related to flow—of the body, emotions, spirit, and life. Listen to restful music or meditate. Sit by a stream and let the sound of water wash through you.
  3. Rub your ears until they are nice and warm. This will stimulate the energy of your whole body.