Survival Mode

Sometimes in life, we go through trying times. And sometimes those troubles last for quite awhile, making it hard to see over to the other side. During those times, it’s natural to focus all of your energies on simply ‘making it through.’ But once you’ve crossed the bridge, so to speak, and you’ve managed to survive the storm, you may have a little work to do. Why’s that? You’ve essentially been in ‘survival mode’ during your ordeal, and now your body, mind, and spirit need some TLC in order to fully recover.

That’s not to say you need to hibernate all winter, but you do need to do a few extra things to help yourself feel like the old self it once was–or even better–an improvement on the old you. Now’s your chance to strengthen your body by practicing qigong or taking a few brisk walks each day, to sharpen your mind by learning to look at things differently, and to cultivate your spirit by taking deep breaths, learning to relax and focusing your energies inward.

You’ve made it through, which is a success in itself. Now take the time to learn, grow, and flourish. You’ll be so happy that you did.