Fall Cooking: Ginger Poached Pears

As we breathe in and out, our lungs oxygenate our blood. This basic function is essential to life. But did you know that the Lung and Large Intestine are energetically critical to digestion, too? The Lung receives the essence of food from the Stomach and Spleen. It then decides how much Qi each organ needs and distributes it throughout the body. The Lung also disperses Qi to the tissues between the muscles and the skin to help add moisture to the body.

Lung/Large Intestine energy is dominant in Fall. At this time, you may notice that your skin is drier than usual and you may experience elimination issues. The easiest way to support this organ pair is by enjoying healing foods. The Lung favors spicy foods, such as daikon radish, chili, the whites of scallions and horseradish. Pears, honey and almonds also help add moisture. The recipe below also includes ginger, cinnamon and brown sugar, three warming herbs that support the Stomach and will give the entire body a nice boost.

Give this delicious recipe a try.

Ginger Poached Pears

One 1″ piece fresh ginger

1 cinnamon stick

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 Tablespoons honey

4-6 ripe pears, peeled

1/3 cup slivered almonds, toasted (optional)


In a saute pan over medium heat, add 2 cups water, dessert wine, fresh ginger, cinnamon stick, brown sugar and honey. Bring to a simmer and stir to combine.

Add the pears, turning occasionally to cook evenly. Allow to simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the pears are tender through. Then remove the pears to a serving plate. Continue to cook the liquid for another 15 minutes, or until it has thickened to a sauce-like consistency and reduced to half.

Top the pears with the sweet poaching sauce and, if you’d like, top with the crunchy slivered almonds. Enjoy!

Continue Your Eating-for-Healing Journey

Looking for more recipes? Just click here.

What can you learn from Nature? Give this post a read: Fall’s Gifts and Nature’s Lessons.

Strengthen Your Life Force: Autumn Qi Experience: October 17 – 27

Fall is one of the most powerful times to align with Nature and give your body a deep tune-up. This virtual program lasts for 10 days but the lessons last a lifetime. Register here.