Céline’s Story: There Are No Accidents

My first experience with The Dragon’s Way® was at the Deep Dive weekend in April 2014. My mom had just passed away and I was feeling emotionally raw. Deciding to embark on the journey of learning and practicing the ancient wisdom of Qigong felt like the perfect next step in my life. I would be in a beautiful, healing location at the Garrison Institute, overlooking the magnificent Hudson River. The river had always been a special place for me as many of my ancestors had lived nearby on the Hudson.

As I began to learn and practice the Dragon’s Way Qigong movements for the first time, I felt as if I was ‘remembering’ them versus learning them–it was quite an unusual experience. After the group practice, I felt deeply energized and relaxed. My whole being welcomed the awakening of energy that came from practicing the Dragon’s Way movements. I felt like I was a flower opening to the sun and fresh morning dew after being closed for a long time.

One of the most powerful experiences at the Deep Dive retreat came in the form of the words I heard Grand Master Lu say: “There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason–everything happens for the good. How can you see the good?”.  A proverbial light switch clicked on after hearing these words. Since then the meaning and belief in these words has helped free me from painful memories in my past and stagnating beliefs that I generated as a result of those experiences. Now, when something comes up that I need to work through I remind myself, “There are no accidents.” The trust and belief in this allows me to work through things past, present or future. “There are no accidents” has become a trusted ally in my journey.

By the end of the weekend I made the commitment to apply to the Dragon’s Way instructor program. I am a Dragon’s Way Instructor now and share this beautiful gift of Qigong with others.

Céline Roll