Three TCM Tips for Happy, Healthy Kids
Across the northeast, the end of Labor Day weekend signals back to school. The school supplies are labeled and packed, special lunch snacks are added to the pantry, and first day of school outfits are set on the foot of the bed. But while the first day of school—Kindergarten, middle school, high school, college, or any other first for that matter—may bring excitement, it can also leave you feeling nervous, scared, or overwhelmed.
So what tools can TCM provide to help ease the transition?
- Energy Gate #1: Energy Gate #1 is a powerful acupoint that helps stimulate the Large Intestine, Lung, and Stomach. It’s a simple movement that you and your children can practice together, and something they can keep in their personal wellness toolkit to use at any point in their lives. In the video below, Grand Master Lu walks you through the four energy gates. Focus on Energy Gate #1. Practice it yourself and share it with your children and friends.
“Energy Gate #1 is a lifelong gift. You’re giving your children a tool to care for themselves. This gift is something they will always have with them, no matter how far from home they may go.” -Grand Master Nan Lu
- The Art of Finding Calm: Between cell phones and social media, our kids are bombarded by messages and signals, both visible and invisible. Add in homework, sports schedules, play practices, (and more!) and our kids are on an exhausting, non-stop hamster wheel. It’s important to teach your kids (and reteach yourself) how to find quiet and allow yourself to be still. Try these ideas: take a walk or a bike ride in Nature, skip stones along a stream, or simply close your eyes and relax.
- Have fun! Life has gotten so serious. Worries, fears, stress, and pressures surround our young children on an almost daily basis. The simple art of having fun has gone by the wayside. Allowing yourself and your kids time to let loose, be playful and creative, and simple enjoy the world is a great way to reconnect. Bond over a backyard basketball game. Try your hand at bracelet making or figure drawing. Or simply laugh at a funny movie. With every smile and giggle, you’ll feel your child’s stress begin to melt away.
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