Qigong for Breast Health

Sep 11Sep 25

Qigong for Breast Health

For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has embraced natural healing techniques and mainly because they needed a system to maintain health.  Simply put, they discovered the body’s connection to nature and learned how to apply this wisdom to recognize imbalances that occur in the body.

What you’ll experience

Introducing 7 Powerful Wu Ming Qigong Postures: Join us for a transformative journey as we share 7 Wu Ming Qigong postures aimed at activating the flow of energy. These movements are specifically designed to support breast health and enhance the digestive system. Each session guides you through practices that channel energy through the breast area while sharing valuable tips for everyday life.

Tips for Natural Well-being: In addition to the Qigong postures, we’ll be sharing guidance on how to improve your digestive system.

Is Stress a Factor?: Yes! Stress, and emotional overload impact the body’s energy flow.  Sooner or later, the smooth flow of energy becomes stuck and manifests as illness. We’ll talk about the role emotions play in creating imbalances and what steps can help you realign  with inner calm.

Eastern Wisdom for Modern Living:  The Eastern perspective on illness is not fear based rather views a “diagnosis” as a label embodying deep imbalances in the body. We then work to bring balance back and encourage the body to heal providing a rich approach to well-being.

Join Us on this Journey: We invite you to be a part of this enriching experience. Our program promises not only physical benefits but also a deeper understanding of your body’s innate connection to nature.

Resources and Credits

Course materials included

  • Educational video to reinforce ongoing Qigong practices
  • Training booklet
  • Breast health mini guidebook

Continuing Ed Credits:

6 PDAs through NCCAOM

Once learned we encourage you to share these teachings with other women.  Our goal is to offer hope rather than fear.  Completion of this class does not certify you as a Qigong instructor rather an ambassador of hope.  Our foundation is committed to sharing authentic natural healing practices.  You can learn more about the Eastern approach to breast cancer here. 

Register Now

Class will meet over Zoom September 11, 18 and 25th at 9:30 AM (ET)

Cost is $200.00

All attendees must attend via video so we can help correct your postures.