You Come First

You create your own reality. Or, in a nutshell, life is what you make of it. Everyone has responsibilities. Whether that entails caring for others, earning a living, or paying bills, we all share some sort of mutual “to-do list”. Let’s put those shared responsibilities on the shelf, if only for a moment, and look at what remains. To start, health, happiness, and love.

These three factors are of utmost importance to a healthy lifestyle, but many of us push them off for later. “I’ll sleep later. Healthy food can wait. I’m happy…enough.” Have you heard those statements? Or maybe you’ve said them yourself. Many of us take our health and happiness for granted. We feel good, so we continue to push through exhaustion to get more accomplished. Knowing that the house is quiet at 5am, we wake early to prepare meals for the following day. And we rush through meals and grab a quick energy drink when the afternoon slump sets in.

We seem to think that if we get everything done today, tomorrow will be a day to rest and recharge. But there will be more to do tomorrow. There will always be things to do. Don’t put yourself off until tomorrow. Your health, happiness and self-love come first. You come first. Take time today and every day to stop and breathe. Bring some of that Valentine love within! Be kind to yourself and to those around you. Thank yourself for the good that you bring into the world and see those around you as a reflection of that love. Allow your Heart to be peaceful and free.