Qigong: Discovering Your Uniqueness

“You are unique. Each one of us is unique. When you practice Qigong, Qi opens up your sensibility and you feel everything. The more sensitive you are, the more unique you are.” – Grand Master Lu

At the deepest level, practicing Wu Ming Qigong can activate the body’s genetic code. It even has the power to create healing miracles. The ultimate goal of Wu Ming Qigong is to discover your true life’s purpose.

Learn more about Qigong by reading these blog posts:

Did you know? Your Qi carries every gift from every ancestor in your genetic line. What will you uncover next? Read more: Qi: Your Invisible Treasure.

Imagination is the key that allows you to connect the visible world we readily experience with the invisible world that is ours to explore. Read more: Qigong: An Awareness of Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Practice along with Grand Master Lu:

Begin your practice by learning the Four Energy Gates. The Four Energy Gates are powerful energetic intersections in the body. Each works with the other to stimulate the body’s energy flow. Make this your go-to routine for daily support.


Begin your Qigong practice today!

Discover our upcoming events and save the date for our Heart Harmony: Summer Qi ReSet Program (June 21-28, 2023).

Join Grand Master Lu on this 7-day journey into Summer, and practice specific Heart-centered Qigong practices to reconnect your inner world with Universal Qi. Enjoy a creative eating style based on your personal cravings and learn how your lifestyle affects your entire digestive system, and your digestive system, in turn, affects your Heart health.