
  • Lingering Emotions
    Unresolved emotions don't go away. Instead, they resurface as physical symptoms when you least expect them. Work to resolve your emotions.
  • April’s Full Pink Moon
    On Tuesday April 23, April’s Full Pink Moon will reach its peak. Tap into the power of the moon to bloom what is rising within you.
  • Nature’s Gift to Us
    Nature prepares each living thing for its species survival. A single onion can nourish, form new plants, and double or triple its reward. Learn to grow your own onions!
  • Liver Qi In Motion
    Be flexible, look for opportunities, and shake the rust off so you can spread your branches freely in every possible direction.
  • Growth, Harmony and Fearlessness: Spring Consciousness
    Nature is our greatest teacher. The Spring season alone holds so many lessons, if we are willing to see beyond the visible.
  • Eggs: a Symbol of Perfect Balance
    Eggs represent the promise of future life and represent yin/yang balance. Learn why and try this new recipe!
  • The Healing Power of Honey
    Suffering from seasonal allergies? Learn how and why honey can help repair your relationship with Nature.
  • Effects of the Solar Eclipse
    What effect does the eclipse have on plants, animals, and people? And how do human and Universal energies collide?
  • TCM Tips for the Total Solar Eclipse
    A total solar eclipse will move over the United States on Monday, April 8. Be sure to connect to this awe-inspiring Qi field.