
  • Speak Kindly
    Words have power. Our words affect others in ways we might never be able to fully understand. Speak kindly. Speak softly. Spread love.
  • Ancient Story, Modern Perspective: Incomplete Picture
    Living moment to moment allows us the flexibility to take in an incomplete picture and use our creativity to make it whole. 
  • Ancient Story, Modern Message: Opinions
    Other people's opinions don't change who you are. So why should their thoughts and opinions impact your emotions?
  • Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
    The ring of fire solar eclipse will be visible Thursday. Whether you can or cannot "see" it, its energy is infused into the Universal picture.
  • Create Your Own Space
    You can’t give from an empty cup. To be able to give to others without draining precious energy, we must begin from within.
  • Fingernails: A Clue to Liver Health
    Your body sends messages to cue you in to the energetic health of your body. Some messages are subtle. What clues do your fingernails hold?
  • Ask Grand Master Lu: Trust Your Body
    You asked and he answered. Find out what Grand Master Lu has to say about innate trust and your body's ability to heal.
  • Darylene’s Story: The Power of Acupuncture and Self-Healing
    Learn how Darylene used acupressure techniques to not only survive a medical emergency, but recover with no after-effects.
  • Put Yourself First
    It's easy to make a little time for you every day. But can you fill your life with goodness that reaches the depth of your soul every day?
  • Unexpected Gifts
    While the holidays look different this year than in the past, unexpected gifts—ones that truly warm the heart—come in many shapes and sizes.
  • A Single, Simple Moment of Joy
    Life is full of moments. But finding that one simple moment of pure joy can transform your life.
  • The Freedom to “Be”
    Allowing yourself the freedom to let go is a gift. Can you picture yourself delving deeply inward, entranced in a dance?