• Why a Liver Cleanse is a MUST in the Spring
    The state of your health in Spring sets the stage for the entire year. Take this opportunity to create a year of wellness!
  • Weekly Challenge: Become the Good
    If you associate yourself—your beliefs and thoughts—with the good, eventually, you become the good.
  • Health: The Only Option
    We often take health for granted. Learn how healthy thoughts can be transformative, and follow tips to return to balance.
  • Weekly Challenge: Changing Beliefs
    On a spiritual level, there are no accidents. Have you trained yourself to look for the good? How can you see a situation differently?
  • The Body Never Lies: Youthful Skin
    Is what we put on our skin as important as what we put into our bodies? Absolutely! Forgo the expensive creams. Follow these tips to boost your Lung function. Your whole body will thank you!
  • Massage the Ears, Warm the Body
    Your ears are a microcosm of your whole body. Read on to learn Grand Master Lu's best tip for winter practice.
  • You Come First
    Don't put yourself off until tomorrow. Your health, happiness and self-love come first. You come first.
  • Inspiration to Start the Week: Connections
    The Heart allows you to connect to God. So how do we access that path? It all starts with our beliefs.
  • Forgiveness
    The journey through the troubling times prepares us for the sweet rewards in life.
  • Life Lessons from a Slinky
    A Slinky that becomes a tangled mess leaves us with a choice—we can either give up or unravel the coils until it is "new" once more.
  • An Opportunity for Healing and Growth
    Can you view illness and dis-ease as an opportunity to approach your understanding from a different angle?
  • Food: Nature’s Gift to Earth
    Nature continually astonishes us with its immense power. Yet in the same breath, it creates nourishing food that all living things rely on for survival. Learn how to respect these gifts and make good choices.