
  • Beaver Moon and Mercury Transit: What the Skies Have in Store
    November's full moon almost perfectly coincides with Mercuy's transit, a rare celestial event that occurs only 13 times each century.
  • In Tune With Nature’s Flow
    Nature is our best teacher. It provides examples—every season—of how to live in harmony with all that surrounds us. Can you follow its pattern?
  • Nature Knows: Beautiful “Mistakes”
    When iron is part of the crystalline structure of quartz, something spectacular results--purple amethyst. Its imperfection is what creates its beauty.
  • Nature Knows: Heaven and Earth
    During its rainy season, Salar de Uyuni reflects both above—the changing sky in all of its glory—and below—the viewer's own reflection.
  • Finding Wisdom in the Season
    Nature is our greatest teacher. Can you follow its lead? Take some time this season—and every season—to find wisdom in Nature's patterns.
  • Nature Knows: Patience
    Nature is our greatest teacher. What can you glean from its teachings? "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."- Lao Tzu
  • Connecting with the Moon’s Universal Energy
    The moon’s incredible energetic power is at its peak during a full moon. Take this opportunity to connect to this pure Universal energy.
  • We Are All Connected: Taking Time to Disconnect and Reconnect
    Connectivity extends beyond our human reach. We are reminded of the powerful presence of Nature, not only around us, but within us, as we disconnect and then take the time to reconnect.
  • Hail to the Cooling Cucumber
    Whether eaten raw, pickled, or tossed in a salad with vinegar, cucumbers (along with watermelon) are Nature's cure to Summer heat.
  • Genetically Modified Foods
    While growing our own food is best, that isn't always possible. Follow these tips: eat organic, choose local and make sure it's in-season.
  • Words of Wisdom: Receiving More Information
    There are so many healing messages in the energy of food. You cannot receive this deeper gift unless you make the choice to turn on your body's receiver.
  • A New Picture
    With each wave, the ocean is continually replenishing itself and its landscape. As in our bodies, every breath we take allows us to replenish and connect.