
  • The Closer We Look
    For the past few weeks, we have been posting about the importance of our connection to Nature. But in the busyness of our pre-Covid-19 lives, we were always harried—far too busy—to see the gems right before us. Sometimes it takes a pandemic of epic proportions to shake us awake. Those gems might be… – our […]
  • Biggest Supermoon of 2020
    Gaze into the skies this evening for a rare treat—the biggest and brightest supermoon of 2020. Join our virtual meditation to embrace this celestial energy.
  • Forest Bathing
    The forest is Nature's healer. In this midst of this worldwide pandemic, our connection to Nature is more vital than ever to maintain.
  • We’re In This Together
    While social distancing is now pretty much a mandate, taking and using only what we need is the right thing to do—for each other and for our planet.
  • What’s the Buzz on Bee Pollen?
    Bees only pollinate the healthiest flowers. In doing so, they gather pollen. It takes eight hours for a bee to collect one teaspoon of pollen. When you eat bee pollen, you take in all of this healing essence.
  • The First Supermoon of 2020
    March's Full Worm Moon, the first of three supermoons, helps usher in Spring with renewed energy. Join our virtual practice on Monday at 1:48pm.
  • Avoid Allergies by Aligning With Nature
    TCM looks at allergies from the inside out. It's about you, your immune system and your ability to connect smoothly with Nature's energy transitions.
  • The Power of the Invisible
    Thinking and seeing with only our minds is limiting. The more you can let go of your mind, the freer you are to truly see.
  • Nature Knows: Living History
    The history of our great planet is as awe-inspiring as all that it currently nourishes. Just as Earth holds clues to its past, so too do we. You are the keeper of your own story.
  • New Month. New Year. New Decade. New 12-Year Cycle.
    January 1, 2020 begins a new month, a new year and a new decade. But it is just weeks away from the start of a new 12-year cycle. Align yourself with Nature's time.
  • Slow Down With Nature This Holiday Season
    Take a cue from Nature—slow down! Find your balance this holiday season.
  • The Power of Numbers… and the Full Moon
    The last full moon of this decade will reach its peak on 12/12 at 12:12 am. The larger Universal message is one of completeand total balance.