
  • Happiness is Homemade
    Happiness does not come from your neighbor’s garden, your child’s successes, or your partner’s exciting new job. No one else can create your happiness. And in the same light, no one can create your unhappiness.
  • Ancient Story, Modern Message: Opinions
    Other people's opinions don't change who you are. So why should their thoughts and opinions impact your emotions?
  • Conduct Your Inner Orchestra
    Each cell in your being has a different frequency. It dances to its own beat and makes its own music. Create your own unique symphony.
  • Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
    The ring of fire solar eclipse will be visible Thursday. Whether you can or cannot "see" it, its energy is infused into the Universal picture.
  • When Stress Finds You
    Even when we try to avoid it, stress seems to find us. But through small daily changes, you can shift your lifestyle and find your balance.
  • Why?
    Regardless of your relationships, degrees, jobs, and accomplishments, the most important part of your story is you!
  • The TCM Approach to Healing
    TCM practitioners must understand all the relationships that can impact a person’s health. They look at the visible and dive down to the invisible. Everything is a message!
  • Eating for Health and Weight Loss
    The TCM approach to eating for healing and weight loss is based on an energetic balance in the body.
  • You Are an Artist
    Throughout your life, you paint portraits of the person you are becoming. Everything is a symbol. Catch the message!