
  • Food, Digestibility & Metabolism Function
    Even if you eat the best food available, your body has to be able to digest it. The first step toward healing is to strengthen your digestive system.
  • How Deep is Your Love?
    When you give love to others do you also bring some of that love within? Shower yourself with love every day in four simple ways.
  • The Virtuous Teachings of Buddha
    In his lifetime, Buddha carried a message of virtue, peace, and respect for all living beings. We celebrate his birthday and his teachings.
  • Women’s Health: Getting Qi From Dark Energy, Dark Matter
    Women are entitled to connect to dark energy, which can be applied in all areas of life. The way you apply your creativity is up to you.
  • Women’s Health: Creating Qi Life
    Women are incredibly powerful. They can create life! But creating life is more than giving birth. How do we define life? In Chinese medicine, natural, Universal Qi combines with Earth Qi to create a human being. Using this definition, we are children of our parents, but also children of the universe. Women are capable of […]
  • Nature Knows: The Power of Sleep
    When your Spirit is peaceful, your entire internal environment is balanced. Health is the byproduct of a harmonious body.
  • Seasonal Qi for Better Health
    Each season has its own Qi. To smoothly transition from Spring into Summer, you must match the energy of the coming season.
  • Words of Wisdom: Far From Finished
    As human beings, we are far from being "finished." What amazing gifts are within us that we haven't tapped into yet?
  • Be Free
    What holds you back? The secret to life is in letting go and learning to find your inner freedom!